Hudson's first year went by in a flash! So we decided to make that our theme for his party.
We celebrated yesterday in our recently landscaped backyard. Steve and Mike smoked a delicious pork and we had BBQ pork sandwiches, baked beans, salad and veggies. I'm still full just thinking about it.
Lindsay made the worlds best bars. The bottom layer is a cookie, middle is oreos and the top is a brownie. Perfection I tell you. Meredith made amazing lemon truffles that I for some reason don't have a picture of!
Isn't this vintage polaroid camera sweet? It was great grandpa Tanner's!
Great Grandpa Larsen (Pop Pop) even came!
Uncle Mike, Aunt Lindsay and Hadley |
Look at that little smile! |
Grandpa |
Aunt Lori |
Great Aunt Kathy (Nana's sister) came too. You don't really know her that well, but you were sure studying her out and charming her with everything you had in you!
Uncle Tanner and Aunt Meredith |
Mimi and Grandpa
Cuddle time with Logan (you loved watching the video we made of you!)
You loved opening your presents! Every time you opened a new toy you would squeal, giggle and kick your legs really fast! Even when you got new clothes, you would hold the them up to your face and feel the fabric. You were definitely spoiled but not rotten because you were very gracious for everything!
It's root beer... in case you were wondering! |
Look at all those cousins!!! |
He got a mirror that said "I am a Child of God" and he grabbed it and kept smiling at his reflection in the mirror! Such a cute boy!
Check out Parker's face-- he was concentrating really hard on blowing out the candle for Hudson!
He did not like getting his hands in the cake! He's my little clean boy.
So, Aunt Kristie hand fed him till he was full. I think he's loved, what do you think??
And that is a full little one year old!
Thanks to everybody for coming out to celebrate!
P.S. We missed you Nana, Mattie and Dee Dee (they were all sick with colds) and Aunt Krista was at a wedding in San Diego!