Friday, April 22, 2011


This is what our weekend looked like last week. Parker "helped" his daddy pull weeds in the backyard. It was hard work. He was so exhausted, he fell asleep 40 minutes before his normal nap time!
 By the way, I got a rug for my family room finally! Do you like it? I think it completes the room!
 After Parker woke up from his nap, I gave him a "big boy" hair cut! 
 Then we were off to the car wash. That night we went to dinner at Organ Stop Pizza-- has anyone ever been there?? It is so fun! They have a GIANT organ in the middle of the restaurant and you eat pizza and watch the guy play whatever songs the audience requests! Parker was in heaven and Hudson slept right through all the noise! It was a blast!
 On Sunday, cousin Gunnar got blessed and they had a beautiful brunch afterwards. Parker and his cousin Jase hung around the cookie table the whole time... surprise surprise...
 He would live on just cookies if we let him. 
I can't wait to celebrate Easter this weekend. It will be fun to do an easter egg hunt with Parker on Saturday, but most of all I can't wait to be with family and to reflect on the Saviors life and his atonement. I feel truly blessed for my Savior and for his perfect example. He atoned for every single one of us. I know that He lives. I know that he knows me. My faith in his is simple yet powerful. There was never a greater man that walked the earth than Him. I am eternally grateful for His atoning sacrifice so that I can repent and be able to be with my family for eternity. Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world. I know that with all of my heart and I hope that you will all be able to feel of His love too, especially during this wonderful Easter weekend. :)

Happy Easter.


  1. What an adorable little boy... I just love the picture of him munching on a cookie! And, I LOVE your new rug!
