Thursday, August 13, 2009

First Impressions

I got a call from my little niece, Gracie, a couple of weeks ago inviting Parker to her birthday party on August 7! She was dying to meet him because her mom and brother were sick with colds when Parker was born, so they were waiting until they were well enough to come around the baby. I thought that by the time the party came around, they would be better, but unfortunately, Tara's dumb sinus infection wouldn't go away! I sadly had to tell her that we weren't going to be able to make it. Luckily, she has an INCREDIBLE Nana that surprised her and drove her all the way out to Mesa on her birthday after her party to meet baby Parker! She was absolutely thrilled to have a new little cousin!
Can you tell she is a little excited??
Tara and I had many crying moments together the past couple of weeks because we were both sad that she couldn't see the baby because she was sick. Last Sunday, we went over to my parents for family dinner and she finally got to see little Parker in person! It was definitely a happy day!!
Logan and Colton are so excited to finally have another boy cousin! They were the only boys in our family for the past decade!
Ava liked him a lot too. She kept reaching for him and was so cute and gentle when she touched him. It was adorable!
Can you tell that he is loved?
We think he's pretty cute. I think we will definitely keep him for sure!


  1. I'm so glad that the McMurdie fam finally got to meet cutie boy Parker! That was a great birthday present for Gracie! It was fun to watch Tara hold her newest nephew for the 1st time! I also love the picture of Papa and Parker and the clan of kiddos on top of them :)

  2. That was such a great day! I'm so glad my bad dreams didn't come true where he walked up to me the first time I finally got to see him. That was so very considerate of Parker to stay so little for me so I could see him still looking like a newborn. (Well, I guess he is still a newborn, but, you know what I mean) I love my little Parker Poo!!!

  3. that's SO CUTE! Gracie is such a sweetheart. And how sweet that your mom brought her to see Parker! I bet that meant so much to her!

  4. Erin- I hope you don't mind, I read your blog every once in a while- Congratualtaions on your baby boy (my son is named parker too!) He's perfectly adorable!

  5. It was fun to be able to find something that Gracie REALLY wanted for her birthday! How come I have the cutest grandchildren?

  6. so glad you are enjoying your sweet, precious babe! he is adorable! they just get cuter by the minute- and the minutes go by way too fast, so i am glad to see you enjoying it all! my mom said that there was a chance we could get together and meet baby parker too! i would love it!

  7. I actually just read the last 3 blogs. Somehow, I missed a couple!! SO CUTE! That's all I can say. SO CUTE!!

  8. What a lucky little boy to have so many people that ADORE him!! He deserves it!

    (Gracie's story is SOOOO cute!!)
