Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Hello January!

My little super-heros love to play outside. Parker isn't that fond of driving his power wheels car (I'm not sure why... maybe because he doesn't know how to steer very good yet, so he would rather ride his bike.) But Hudson loves it!! He even takes over the wheel (and the pedal) from the passenger seat if his brother isn't driving to his satisfaction. It is so funny!

 Whenever I pick up Parker from preschool, the first thing he says when he gets into the car is "Hudson!! Did you miss me?" and then Hudson replies with a big grin on his face "Yes!" I love hearing their little conversations with each other and hearing them play "bad guy and super heroes" or play with their wooden train set. They truly are best buds and I hope it stays that way forever.

 They also LOVE LOVE LOVE their cousin Jase, who lives next door. 
 That smile makes my heart melt!


  1. Awww... your boys are so precious. I hope my Morgan can be as close with her next sibling. (No not a birth announcement)

  2. I love those boys! Parker cracks me up!!
